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Coaching is appropriate whenever you or your team wish to terminate or change a state you consider a problem. Do you or your team often find yourselves in the same problem state which repeats itself and to which you are unable find a solution? Are you looking for neutral support in escaping repetitive thought patterns and replacing them by new and more successful ones? Do you make your own problem-solving ability a priority? Are you willing to be asked unusual questions which trigger new insights? If yes, then coaching could be a solution for you and your company.

Experience has shown that the following situations often call for one-to-one or team coaching:

  • preparation for and support in new managerial tasks
  • defining and analysing present state
  • generating new visions and goal
  • developing new solutions and support in putting them into practice
  • analysis of behavioural patterns and growing out of them
  • when making difficult decisions
  • coping with everyday life at work and at home
  • coping with changes
  • coping with difficult situations and conflicts at work
  • problematic relationships (business and private)